migration solution

Cloud Migration

Migrate your systems to the cloud with the migration tools and assistance from experts to make your business more flexible and secure.

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What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the transfer of systems or applications to a cloud computing environment. Typically, it shifts from data centers or on-premise servers to the cloud to increase flexibility and security.

NIPA Cloud’s Cloud Migration

NIPA Cloud provides a cloud migration solution designed and managed by our experts.

We will assist you in designing and migrating your system or application to NIPA Cloud Space. You can migrate from a physical hardware, VMware, or other system that support exporting virtual machines as .vmdk or.qcow2 files.

After migration, you can utilize all NIPA Cloud Space services, including load balancer, security group, auto backup, and object storage (S3), to enhance the performance of your system.

cloud migration

Benefits of Cloud Migration

Cost Saving
Save more money because there is no need to invest in physical hardware, including server site, electricity, and maintenance.

Agility and Scalability
Migrating to the cloud enables you to scale resources as needed without requiring reservations.

Digital Transformation
Facilitate digital transformation that allows for seamless integration with other technologies.

Technical Support Provided
No need to handle system maintenance yourself. Contact our technical support for any infrastructure at any time during the period of use.

Backup on NIPA Cloud
Backup your data on NIPA Cloud Space in order to prevent data loss.

Comparing on-premise and on the cloud usage

On Premises

  • From the beginning, it will be necessary to invest in software and hardware, as well as other costs such as maintenance and repair, data center operation, electrical electricity for a server, air conditioners, and server site.
  • Be responsible for hardware degradation.
  • Reserves are required to expand resource capacity.
  • Limited accessibility

On Cloud

  • Only pay for what you use. There is no need to invest in the entire system.
  • Not responsible for a large number of expenses, including maintenance, server operations location, electricity, and air conditioning. There is 24/7 monitoring from the Network Operation Center (NOC).
  • The cloud provider is responsible for software degradation.
  • Can be scale the resource immediately as required.
  • Can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Guarantee 99.9% Uptime SLA.

How Cloud Migration Solution Works ?

Example of migrating server system from on premises to NIPA Cloud Space. Users are required to install driver and configuration as provided in the documentation below:

1. Migrating Windows VM from vSphere to NCS
2. Migrating Linux VM from vSphere to NCS

You will receive close guidance from the NIPA Cloud team. After the migration is complete, you can use NIPA Cloud's services to enhance your system's performance and security, including load balancer, security group, auto backup, and object storage (S3).

migrate to NIPA Cloud Space

The system diagram before and after migration to NCS

This solution is suitable for

  • Anyone interested in migrating from servers to the cloud.
  • Anyone who requires flexibility, such as a capability to increase or decrease server resources based on demand.
  • Anyone who needs the backup system to prevent data loss.
Get consultation or start migrating your system to cloud. Contact us now >>