Object Storage (S3)

An on-demand object storage service for all business needs.



Object storage is an on-demand service designed for high durability, infinite scalability, and secure long term storage that can be accessed through a REST-based API. This service excels in storing photos, videos, and large data sets due to its ability to handle data as distinct objects, each with its unique identifier.

99.9999% (six 9s) durability guarantee and a 99.99% API uptime SLA

With built-in redundancy and high availability, it ensures near-perfect data durability and recovery options, minimizing risks of data loss.

Easy data access from anywhere
Cost-effective with pay-as-you-go model
Multiple storage classes
Robust security features


Durability & Availability

  • Extreme durability of 99.9999% (six 9's), eliminating risk of data loss.
  • High availability API endpoint with a 99.99% (four 9’s) SLA guarantee.
  • Ensure data availability with data replicated using erasure coding acrossmultiple servers in the cluster.
  • Provide reliable data backup and disaster recovery options.
  • Automatically repair and replaces any lost or corrupted data.
  • Support mission-critical large scale applications.

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