NIPA Cloud Space Pricing

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Pricing Rates

external ip

External IP

Enable your instance to connect to the internet with the external IP and built-in DDoS protection*.

Pricing for the external IP must include both IP allocations (THB/hour) and the internet bandwidth usage (THB/GiB).

External IP for NCP-BKK1, NCP-BKK2 and NCP-NON costs 170 THB/month** (0.24 THB/hour)

External IP for NCP-KKN costs 240 THB/month** (0.33 THB/hour)

* Except for the external IP on NCP-KKN

** The monthly price is the estimated price based on the assumption that an instance or node operates for 730 hours per month.

** The unused external IPs will be charged in higher rate as follows.

  • NCP-BKK1, NCP-BKK2, NCP-NON: 250 THB/month
  • NCP-KKN: 445 THB/month
More Info

Internet Bandwidth Usage Fee

The internet bandwidth usage fee depends on traffic direction as follows.

Domestic Bandwidth

Domestic bandwidth is the in-country traffic direction.

Domestic bandwidth usage is FREE of charge

International Internet Gateway (IIG) Bandwidth

The International Internet Gateway bandwidth usage will be charged according to the table below. The tiered pricing will be recalculated monthly.

Data Usage
First 1 TiB
Next 49 TiB
Next 100 TiB
Next 350 TiB
Over 500 TiB

Pricing Example

For international bandwidth usage, the price must include both IP allocations and International Internet Gateway (IIG) bandwidth.

In case you have 2 external IPs and your total international bandwidth usage is 12 TiB, the price will be calculated as follows:

The total cost of the external IPs will be

  • 2 external IPs
  • costs 2 x 0.24 THB = 0.48 THB

The total cost of the international bandwidth usage will be

  • First 1 TiB
  • costs 2.31 THB x (1 x 1024 GiB) = 2,354.44 THB
  • Next 11 TiB
  • costs 2.18 THB x (11 x 1024 GiB) = 24,555.52 THB

Therefore, the total cost of your external IPs with international bandwidth usage for the current hour will be 0.48 + (2,354.44 + 24,555.52) = 26,910.44 THB.